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Table 3 Standardized factor loadings for the final three-factor model of coping for the CSQ-SCD among adults with SCD

From: An assessment of the psychometric properties of the Coping Strategies Questionnaire – Sickle Cell Disease (CSQ-SCD) among adults in the United States


Estimate^ (SE)

Latent factor: active coping

Diverting attention (DA)

0.666 (0.049)

Reinterpreting pain sensations (RPS)

0.654 (0.654)

Calming self-statements (CSS)

0.698 (0.048)

Ignoring pain sensations (IPS)

0.675 (0.050)

Increasing behavioral activity (IBA)

0.781 (0.040)

Latent factor: affective coping

Praying and hoping (PH)

0.313 (0.069)

Catastrophizing (CA)

0.895 (0.025)

Fear self-statements (FS)

0.832 (0.029)

Anger self-statements (AS)

0.780 (0.035)

Isolation (IS)

0.477 (0.060)

Latent factor: passive adherence coping

Resting (RS)

0.339 (0.088)

Taking fluids (TF)

0.379 (0.083)

Heat/cold/massage (HCM)

0.730 (0.082)

Latent factor correlations

Latent active coping factor with latent affective coping factor

0.383 (0.076)

Latent active coping factor with latent passive adherence coping factor

0.678 (0.084)

Latent affective coping factor with latent passive adherence coping factor

0.384 (0.091)

  1. ^All factor loadings were significant at α = 0.05