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Table 1 Themes and items of the COS-LC

From: Validation of the psychosocial consequences of screening in lung cancer questionnaire in the international lung screen trial Australian cohort

Part 1


Content of items. The number relates to order of appearance in the COS-LC.


2. I have been worried about my future

3. I have felt scared

12. I have been upset

13. I have felt restless

14. I have been nervous

23. I have felt terrified

28. I have felt shocked


4. I have been irritable

5. I have been quieter than usual

8. I have found it hard to concentrate

10. My appetite has changed

17. I have felt withdrawn

20. I have had difficulty with my work or other commitments

22. I have had difficulty doing everyday things around the house

Sense of dejection

1.I have been worried

9. I have felt time passed slowly

11. I have felt sad

15. I have been uneasy

18 I have felt unable to cope

19. I have been depressed


6. I have slept badly

16. It has taken a long time to fall asleep

21. I have woken up far too early in the morning

24 I have been awake most of the night

Focus on (airway) symptoms

26. I have been aware more than usual of my weight

27. I have been more aware than usual of being short of breath

37. I have considered going to my doctor

40. I have had more colds than usual

42. I have been more tired than usual

45. I have been more aware than usual of when I cough

47. I have felt unwell

49. I have been more aware than usual of coughing up phlegm


32. I have been criticised more than usual by other people for having smoked all these years.

34. I have felt more than usual that others have pointed their finger at me for having smoked all these years

43. I have felt stigmatised more than usual for having smoked all these years

46. I have felt more than usual that others have blamed me for having smoked all these years


29. In the back of my mind, I have been more afraid of having lung cancer than usual

31. I have felt insecure

33. I have felt sorry for myself

39. I have felt my situation was hopeless

41. I have had mood swings

44. I have kept my thoughts to myself

Harms of smoking

25. I have thought more than usual that smoking is harmful

30. I have regretted more than usual having smoked all these years


35. I have blamed myself more than usual for having smoked all these years

36. I have felt guilty more than usual for having smoked all these years

38. I have been disappointed with myself more than usual for having smoked all these years

48. I have been angry with myself more than usual for having smoked all these years

50. I have been annoyed with myself more than usual for having smoked all these years

Single items

7. I have kept busy to take my mind off things

51. I have felt less interest in sex

52. How many days of sick leave have you had during the last week (or how many days have you been unable to perform usual duties if unemployed)

Part 2


Content of items. The number relates to order of appearance in the COS-LC.

Lung cancer

3. After the examinations my anxiety about lung cancer is

13. After the examinations my belief that I do not have lung cancer is


4. After the examinations I feel (relaxed)

9. After the examinations I feel (calm)

17. After the examination I feel (relieved)

Social relations

6. After the examinations my relationship with my family is

7. After the examinations my relationship with friends are

8. After the examinations my relationship with other people are

Existential values

1. After the examination I have thought about the broader aspects of life

2. After the examinations my enjoyment of life is

5. After the examination my thoughts about the future are

10. After the examinations my sense of wellbeing is

11. After the examinations my awareness of life is

12. After the examinations I value life


14. After the examination my energy level

16. After the examinations I have lived my life to the full

19. After the examination I am (impulsive)

21. After the examinations, my desire to try new and unfamiliar things is

22. After the examinations, my desire to try risky things is

23. After the examinations I have done things that have exceeded my own boundaries:


15. After the examinations my sense of responsibility for my family is

18. After the examination I understand other people’s problems

20. After the examinations, my ability to listen to other people’s problems is

Regretful still smoking (If yes to Q24. Do you smoke?)

25. After the examinations I have thought about quitting smoking

26. After the examinations I have felt guilty for smoking

27. After the examinations I have been irritated at myself for smoking

28. After the examinations I have been disappointed in myself for smoking.

29. After the examinations my view of myself as a smoker has changed

30. After the examinations I regret that I smoke