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Table 2 Eliminated items in Malay-EBPQ

From: Modified-Malay Eating Behavior and Pattern Questionnaire (Malay-EBPQ): translation and validation among Malaysian women

Questionnaire items (15 items)

Original construct

Item-total- correlation

I eat at religious gatherings.

Cultural/lifestyle behaviors


I take time to plan meals for the coming week.


When I am upset, I tend to stop eating.

Emotional eating


I eat for comfort.


My eating habits are very routine.

Haphazard planning


I have at least three to four servings of vegetables per day.


I stop for a fast food breakfast on the way to work.


I would rather buy takeout food and bring it home and cook.


I never know what I am going to eat for supper when I get up in the morning.


Instead of planning meals, I choose what is available and what I feel like eating.

Low-fat eating


I buy snacks from vending machines.


I like to eat vegetables seasoned with fatty meat.


Fish and poultry are the only meats I eat.


I eat meatless meals from time to time because I think that is healthier for me.


I try to limit my intake of red meat (beef, mutton and pork).
