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Table 2 Comparison to a heathy norm

From: Health-related quality of life in severe psychotic disorders during integrated care: 5-year course, prediction and treatment implications (ACCESS II)

Q-LES-Q18 domains

Healthy norm

(T1) Baseline ACCESS

(T13) 5 years after admission to ACCESS

M (SD)

M (SD)

T (df) p

M (SD)

T (df) p

Physical health

4.1 (0.70)

2.33 (0.74)

− 43.32 (328) p < .001

3.15 (0.72)

− 17.11 (169) p < .001

Subjective feelings

4.4 (0.50)

2.51 (0.85)

− 40.35 (327) p < .001

3.70 (0.68)

− 13.42 (169) p < .001

Leisure time activities

4.0 (0.60)

2.31 (0.92)

− 33.27 (326) p < .001

3.44 (0.78)

− 9.41 (169) p < .001

Social relationships

4.1 (0.50)

2.40 (0.76)

− 40.26 (327) p < .001

3.26 (0.72)

− 15.19 (169) p < .001

Total QoL Score

4.2 (0.40)

2.41 (0.70)

− 43.92 (328) p < 001

3.41 (0.60)

− 14.88 (169) p < .001