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Table 2 Descriptive characteristics for health-related quality of life at time 1 and time 2 (N = 211)

From: Changes in health-related quality of life in adolescents and the impact of gender and selected variables: a two-year longitudinal study


Time 1 (14–15 years)

Time 2 (16–17 years)

p values


Physical well-being, mean (SD)a

47.0 (9.7)

43.9 (9.5)

 < .001

Psychological well-being, mean (SD)a

46.1 (8.6)

42.7 (8.1)

 < .001

Autonomy and parent relations, mean (SD)a

53.4 (8.4)

52.2 (8.6)


Social support and peers, mean (SD)a

48.2 (8.0)

46.9 (9.2)


School environment, mean (SD)a

49.4 (8.9)

46.4 (9.7)

 < .001

  1. Paired-sample t-tests were used to compare differences in HRQOL between time 1 and time 2
  2. HRQOL Health-related quality of life, SD Standard deviation
  3. p values marked in bold indicate p ≤ .05
  4. aKIDSCREEN subscales. Higher values indicate higher levels of HRQOL