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Table 1 Descriptive characteristics for gender, sociodemographic factors, pain, self-esteem, self-efficacy, loneliness, and stress at time 1 (N = 211)

From: Changes in health-related quality of life in adolescents and the impact of gender and selected variables: a two-year longitudinal study


Time 1 (14–15 years)

Gender, N (%)


144 (68.2)


67 (31.8)

Parental members of the household, N (%)a

 Both parents

159 (75.4)

 Alternates between two parents

26 (12.3)

 One parent and/or other caregivers

26 (12.3)

Parents’ birthplace, N (%)b

 Both parents born in Norway

161 (76.3)

 One or both parents born in another country

50 (23.7)

Parents’ work status, N (%)c

 Both parents employed

168 (79.6)

 One parent employed

43 (20.4)


 Pain on average, median (min, max)d

2.0 (0.0, 9.0)

 Pain frequency, N (%)e,f


68 (42.2)


32 (19.9)


61 (37.9)

 Pain duration, N (%)e,g

  Pain ≤ 3 months

93 (57.8)

  Pain > 3 months

68 (42.2)

Self-esteem, mean (SD)h

3.1 (0.7)

Self-efficacy, mean (SD)i

3.1 (0.4)

Loneliness, median (min, max)j

13 (8, 31)

Stress, mean (SD)k

0.30 (0.16)

  1. SD Standard deviation
  2. aThe variable was recoded into three categories: “Both parents,” “Alternates between two parents,” and “One parent and/or other caregivers” (one parent and one step-parent, one parent, other caregivers)
  3. bThe variable was dichotomized as “Both parents born in Norway” or “One or both parents born in another country” (one parent born in another country, both parents born in another country)
  4. cThe variable was dichotomized as “Both parents are working” or “One parent is working” (one parent is working, no parents are working)
  5. dRange: 0–10, where 10 indicates pain as bad as you can imagine
  6. eN = 161
  7. fThe variable was recoded into three categories: “seldom” (< once/month, once/month), “sometimes” (2–3 times/month, once/week), and “often” (several times/week, every day)
  8. gThe variable was dichotomized as “Pain ≤ 3 months” (only once, < 1 month, 1–3 months) or “Pain > 3 months” (> 3 months, > 6 months, > 12 months)
  9. hRange 1–4, where higher values indicate higher levels of self-esteem
  10. iRange 1–4, where higher values indicate higher levels of self-efficacy
  11. jRange 8–32, where higher values indicate higher levels of loneliness
  12. kRange 0–1, where higher values indicate higher levels of stress