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Table 1 International valuation protocol for EQ-5D-Y: key elements of the methods

From: Valuing EQ-5D-Y: the current state of play

Protocol feature



Whose values are relevant?

Adult general population

Adult general population

What perspective?

Hypothetical child

Hypothetical child

Age of child?

10 years of age

10 years of age

Duration of states?

Not specified

10 years


10 blocks; 15 pairs each respondent

1 block of 10 states

Specific format of task?

Pairwise choice; no indifference option

Composite TTO i.e. conventional TTO for values > 0, lead time TTO for values < 0

Sample size?



Mode of administration?

Online self-completion

Computer-assisted personal interviews (CAPI), conducted either in person or online

Number of tasks per respondent?

15 pairwise choice tasks

10 cTTO tasks