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Table 1 Characteristics of the study sample

From: Adaptation and validation of a German version of the Multimorbidity Treatment Burden Questionnaire


Patient sample (N = 344)

Age: mean ± SD

77.5 ± 7.1



190 (55.2%)


154 (44.8%)

Marital status


189 (54.9%)


99 (28.8%)


33 (9.6%)


23 (6.7%)

Education level (via CASMIN [39])


193 (56.4%)


95 (27.8%)


54 (15.8%)

Country of birth


319 (92.7%)


25 (7.3%)

Nursing care dependency


78 (22.7%)


266 (77.3%)

Total number of comorbidities: mean ± SD

9.8 ± 4.5

Total number of long-term medications: mean ± SD

6.0 ± 3.2


 Chronic low back pain

196 (57.0%)

 Urinary incontinence

136 (39.5%)


119 (34.6%)

 Coronary heart disease

71 (20.6%)


71 (20.6%)

 Heart failure

61 (17.7%)


51 (14.8%)


50 (14.5%)

 Chronic kidney disease

41 (11.9%)

 Stroke/Transient ischaemic attack

31 (9.0%)

 Anxiety disorder

27 (7.8%)

 Parkinson’s disease

5 (1.5%)

Treatment burden level (as assessed via MTBQ global score)

 No burden (0)

88 (25.6%)

 Low burden (< 10)

134 (39.0%)

 Medium burden (11–22)

97 (28.2%)

 High burden (≥ 22)

25 (7.3%)