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Table 3 Independent variables by operative and follow-up time period

From: Predictors of health-related quality of life after cardiac surgery: a systematic review


Independent predictors of HRQoL between 1 and 6 months follow-up

Independent predictors of HRQoL between 1 year and 3.5 years follow-up

Independent predictors of HRQoL at 8.2 years and beyond

Pre-operative variables

Age [15, 18, 33, 35, 71]

Alcohol use [33]

ASA score [16, 23]

Angina [23, 32, 71]

BMI [31]

Cerebrovascular disease [33, 34, 70]

Charlton Comorbidity Index [31]

Chronic Heart Failure [33]

Chronic neurological disease [18]

COPD [18]

Delirium [33]

Depression [33]

Diabetes mellitus [47, 64, 68]

Ejection fraction [18, 64]

Ethnicity (aboriginal) [33]

Everyday functioning questionnaire [20]

EuroSCORE [32, 60]

FEV1 [18]

Gender [64, 68]

Gender:Male [47, 71]

Gender:Female [31]

Geriatric depression scale [31]

Health behaviours [33]

History of renal insufficiency [32]

Hypertension [18, 33]

Illness perception questionnaire [30]

Living alone [31, 71]

NYHA class [18, 20, 32, 71]

Peripheral vascular disease [18]

Previous cardiac surgery [20]

Pre-op 15-D [47]

Pre-op expectations (IPQ-E) [35]

Pre-op MacNew score [62]

Pre-op MCS [18]

Pre-op PCS [18]

Pre-op SF-12 physical QoL [35]

Pre-op SF-12 psychological Qo [35]

Profile of mood state vigor-activity [20]

Profile of mood state fatigue-inertia [20]

Psychiatric disease [18]

Psychological distress [62]

QoR-40 [12]

Serum creatinine [18]

Smoking [18, 32, 68]

Stress symptom score [16]

Work:Not in workforce [20, 71]

Work manual occupation [20]

Atrial fibrillation [66]

Age [21, 24, 26, 66, 67, 69]

Angina class [34]

Back/neck problems [69]

BMI [21]

Chronic Heart Failure [19, 21]

COPD [21, 34, 70]

Cerebrovascular accident [70]

Depression [22, 69, 70]

Diabetes Mellitus [17, 29, 66, 70]

Education [22, 34, 69]

Ejection Fraction [25, 34]

Ethnicity (non-white) [21]

EuroSCORE [22, 66]

Gastrointestinal tract problems [19]

Gender [24]

Gender:Female [21, 29]

Gender/marital status interaction [69]

Hypertension [21]

Infection [29]

MI [21]

Mobility [61]

Neurological disease [26]

NYHA class [17, 21, 34, 66]

Other diseases [67]

Pain intensity [69]

Parsonnet score [34]

PCI < 1 year [29]

Peripheral or cerebral vascular Disease [34]

Peripheral Vascular Disease [19, 21]

Pre-op MCS [13, 14, 24,25,26]

Pre-op PCS [13, 14, 22, 24,25,26, 29]

Pre-op SAQ [70]

Pre-op SF-36 [4]

Pre-op VAS [61]

Pre-op VR36 [70]

Presence coronary artery disease [21]

Pulmonary disease [25]

QoR-40 [4]

Redo surgery [21]

Renal disease [25]

Segment wall motion (abnormal) [34]

Serum creatinine [66]

Type D personality [19]

Type valvular heart disease [17]

Age [57, 59, 65]

Angina [27]

COPD [59]

COPD/asthma [63]

CCSC [63]

Diabetes [27, 48, 59, 63, 65]

Duration of cardiac symptoms pre-op > 120 days [48]

Dyspnea [27]

Gender:Female [63, 65]

Height [59]

Hypertension [57, 59]

NYHA class [57, 65]

Obesity [59, 65]

Pre-op Nottingham Health Profile [57]

Pre-op inferior QoL [65]

Protective use of statin [48]

Peripheral Vascular Disease [63]

Redo surgery [63]

Smoking [63]

Intra-operative variables

Cardiopulmonary bypass duration [23]

Higher mean pulmonary pressure [20]

CABG procedure [71]

On cardiopulmonary bypass [34]

Prosthetic valve type [17]

CABG procedure [26]

Inotropic drugs at time of surgery [65]

Post-operative variables

Aid from network members [67]

Complications [64, 68]

Dobutamine [23]

Length of hospital stay [32]

MI [67]

Prolonged LOS [31]

New cardiac arrhythmia [20]

No of categories of traumatic memory [16]

Other diseases [67]

Pain:severe and unbearable [47]

Physical exertion causing symptoms [67]

Post-op expectations (IPQ-E) [35]

Post-op SF-12 physical QoL [35]

Post-op SF-12 psychological QoL [35]

QoL at 1 month (15D) [62, 67]

Readmission to hospital within 6 weeks [32]

Reexploration [32]

Renal replacement for acute renal failure [23]

Restlessness during ICU treatment [47]

Sternal resuturing [32]

Symptoms on mild exertion or at rest [67]

Ventilation > 48 h [23]

Infective complications [19]

Ejection fraction at follow-up [66]

Hospital LOS [4, 24]

ICU LOS [24]

Mitral regurgitation at follow-up echo [66]

Perioperative MI [28]

QoL at 1 month (15D) [67]

Quality of life at 3 months [4]

Poor QOR-40 at 1 month [4]

Physical exertion causing symptoms [67]

Post-operative rhythm [17]

Sternal complications [17]

Symptoms on mild exertion or at rest [67]

Systolic pulmonary artery pressure at follow-up [66]

High pain score at 15 months [48]

ICU time [65]

ICU 2 days [63]

ICU > 3 days [48]

Length ventilator time [59]

Low energy score at 15 months [48]

  1. BMI: Body Mass Index; CABG: Coronary Artery Bypass Graft; CCSC: Canadian Cardiovascular Society; COPD: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; FEV1: Forced Expiratory Volume; ICU: Intensive Care Unit; LOS: Length of Stay; MCS: mental component score; MI: Myocardial Infarction; NYHA: New York Heart Association classification; PCI: Percutaneous Coronary Intervention; PCS: Physical Component Score; QoL: Quality of Life; SAQ: Seattle Angina Questionnaire; VAS: Visual Analogue Scale; VR36: Veteran’s Ran