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Table 1 Sociodemographic characteristics of emerging adults with cerebral palsy (CP) and of the general population (GP)

From: Quality of life and mental health in emerging adults with cerebral palsy compared to the general population

Sociodemographic characteristics

CP (N = 198)

GP (N = 593)

Age (years)










Gender, n (%)


91 (46.0)

273 (46.0)


107 (54.0)

320 (54.0)

Country, n (%)


88 (44.4)

264 (44.5)


110 (55.6)

329 (55.5)

Education (ISCED 2011), n (%)

 Early childhood educational development (0)

77 (38.9)

8 (1.3)

 Primary education (1)

18 (9.3)

4 (0.7)

 Lower secondary education (2)

36 (18.7)

85 (14.3)

 Upper secondary education (3)

32 (16.6)

219 (36.9)

 Post-secondary non tertiary education (4)

6 (3.1)

32 (5.4)

 Short cycle tertiary education (5)

7 (3.6)

73 (12.3)

 Bachelor or equivalent level (6)

8 (4.1)

100 (16.9)

 Masters or equivalent level (7)

9 (4.7)

70 (11.8)

 Doctoral or equivalent level (8)

0 (0.0)

2 (0.3)

Housing, n (%)

 A big city (population > 200,000)

64 (32.3)

179 (30.2)

 The suburbs or outskirts of a big city (population > 200,000)

18 (9.1)

74 (12.5)

 A town or a small city (population 3000–200,000)

67 (33.8)

252 (42.5)

 A country village (population < 3000)

46 (23.2)

73 (12.3)

 A farm or home in the country

3 (1.5)

15 (2.5)

Gross motor function, n (%)


(Not assessed in general population)

 I Walks and climbs stairs, without limitation

73 (36.9)

 II Walks with limitations

24 (12.1)

 III Walks with assistive devices

28 (14.1)

 IV Unable to walk, limited self-mobility

43 (21.7)

 V Unable to walk, severely limited self-mobility

30 (15.2)

Pain severity, n (%)


52 (26.5)

163 (27.5)

 Very mild

26 (13.3)

132 (22.3)


30 (15.3)

150 (25.3)


58 (29.3)

101 (17.0)


22 (11.2)

38 (6.4)

 Very severe

8 (4.1)

9 (1.5)

  1. ISCED International Standard Classification of Education