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Table 6 Exploratory factor-analysis based loadings with oblique geomin rotation at pre-assessment in the PCI group (n = 121)

From: Psychometric evaluation of the Coronary Revascularisation Outcome Questionnaire (CROQ) in Norwegian patients admitted to elective coronary angiography and possible percutaneous coronary intervention

CROQ items

Factor 1

Factor 2

Factor 3

Factor 4



Chest pain



Chest discomfort



Shortness of breath




Angina radiates







Frequency of use of nitroglycerin



Troubles with heart condition



Physical functioning


Moderate activities





Lifting and carrying





Climbing several flight of stairs




Climbing one flight of stairs




Bending and kneeling





Walking about 1 km




Walking about 100 M




Bathing or dressing





Psychososial functioning


Overprotective environment



Feeling like a burden




Restriction of social activities




Worried about going too far from home




Worried about your heart condition




Worried about overdoing



− .333*

Worried about sudden attack



− .614*

Frightened by pain




Uncertain about future



− .320*



− .464*





− .308*



Enjoyment of life





Difficult to keep a positive outlook




Difficult to plan ahead




Cognitive functioning


Difficulty reasoning and solving problems




Forgetting things

− .389*




Difficulty concentrating



  1. Factor loadings < .30 are omitted. * p < .05