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Table 1 Sample search string for PubMed MEDLINE

From: Relationship between both cardiorespiratory and muscular fitness and health-related quality of life in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies

Limits: publication languages: English, Spanish

Truncation symbol: * = all possible word endings included

Query translation

("fitness"[All Fields]) OR "physical fitness"[All Fields]) OR "cardiorespiratory fitness"[All Fields]) OR "cardiovascular fitness"[All Fields]) OR "aerobic capacity"[All Fields]) OR "maximal oxygen uptake"[All Fields]) OR "peak oxygen uptake"[All Fields]) OR "VO2max"[All Fields]) OR "muscular strength"[All Fields]) OR "muscular endurance"[All Fields]) OR "strength"[All Fields]) AND (((("health-related quality of life"[All Fields] OR "HRQoL"[All Fields]) OR "well-being"[All Fields]) OR "positive health"[All Fields]) OR "psychological health"[All Fields])) AND ((("children"[All Fields] OR "adolescent"[All Fields]) OR "young children"[All Fields]) OR "schoolboy"[All Fields])AND (English[lang] OR Spanish[lang])