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Table 1 Cognitive interview procedure and verbal probes

From: Development of a measure for patients preparing to start dialysis and their partners: The Starting Dialysis Questionnaire (SDQ)


The SDQ is going to be answered by people about to start dialysis

The questions come from what we learned from the interview study you previously took part in. Today you are helping us make sure it makes sense and is understandable.

This is a follow-up study called a cognitive interview, or think aloud task. It is different from the previous interview you took part in.

Demonstration of the task

The researcher shows the participant the SDQ

Then, the researcher provides a demonstration of thinking aloud using the following question (not on the SDQ):

How would you rate your quality of life? 1 = Very poor, 2 = Poor, 3 = Neither good nor poor, 4 = Good, 5 = Very good

Researcher questions the time frame, what is meant by ‘quality of life’ and how she decides which response option to choose


Please complete the questionnaire, but as you work through each question please read it aloud and say what you are thinking.

After you have answered a question, I may ask you questions about how you came to your answer. I will answer any question about the questionnaire once we are finished.

Please know that you are not being tested—the questionnaire is being tested. There are no wrong or right answers.

Verbal probes

What does the term X mean to you?

Can you repeat that question in your own words?

How sure are you of your answer?

How did you come to your answer? (What did you think about?)

Was that easy or hard to answer?

How do you feel about answering that question?

  1. Cognitive interview procedures and verbal probes adapted from “Think-aloud, verbal probing, and other techniques” in [8], pp. 42–65