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Table 3 Main study characteristics

From: Health related quality of life utility weights for economic evaluation through different stages of chronic kidney disease: a systematic literature review

Author (Year)


Mean age (SD)


Study Type

Setting and location

Population overview

Blakeman (2014)

221 patients.

71.8 (9.0) years.


Randomised controlled trial.

General practice.

Greater Manchester, UK.

Stage 3 CKD only.

Briggs (2016)

3547 patients.

54.3 (14.3) years.


Randomised controlled trial.

500 dialysis centres.

22 countries.

Moderate to severe secondary hyperparathyroidism on HD.

Davison (2008)

185 patients.

63.6 (12.2) years.


Prospective observational study.

10 dialysis/ renal insufficiency units.

Alberta, Canada.

CKD stage 4 and 5 expected to start dialysis within 12 months.

Patients currently receiving HD or PD (started in last 12 months).

Davison (2009)

185 patients.

63.6 (12.2) years.


Prospective observational study.

10 dialysis/ renal insufficiency units.

Alberta, Canada.

CKD stage 4 and 5 expected to start dialysis within 12 months.

Patients currently receiving HD or PD (started in last 12 months).

Gorodetskaya (2005)

271 patients.

62.8 (12.7) years.


Prospective observational study.

Patients from a single nephrology and dialysis site.


Two groups defined by:

-GFR between 30 and 70 ml/min.

-GFR < 30 ml/min.

Jardine (2017)

200 patients.

51.8 (12.1) years.


Randomised controlled trial.

40 home and hospital dialysis centres.

Australia, China, Canada, and New Zealand.

Adult patients requiring maintenance HD.

Jesky (2016)

745 patients.

64, 95% CI (50–76) years.


Prospective observational study.

Two large hospitals.

Birmingham, UK.

Pre-dialysis CKD and GFR < 30 ml/min.

Lee (2005)

416 patients.

Males: 58.2 years.

Females: 55.5 years.


Cross-sectional study.

Renal unit departmental database. South Wales, UK.

Patients receiving HD, waiting to start HD or after receiving a renal transplant.

Manns (2002)

128 patients.

61.8, 95%CI (59.1, 64.6) years.


Cross-sectional study.

Southern Alberta Renal Program.

Alberta, Canada.

All participants had received over 6 months of HD.

Manns (2003)

192 patients.

60.8, 95%CI (58.6, 63.0) years.


Cross-sectional study.

Southern Alberta Renal Program.

Alberta, Canada.

All participants had received over 6 months of HD.

Manns (2009)

51 patients.

54.1 years.


Randomised controlled trial.

Southern Alberta Renal Program.

Alberta, Canada.

In- or home conventional HD 3 times weekly.

Neri (2011)

386 patients.

GFR > 90 ml/min = 48.1 (16.2) years.

GFR 90–60 ml/min = 52.2 (13.4) years.

GFR 59–30 ml/min = 51.5 (11.8) years.

GFR 29–15 ml/min = 52.2 (12.1) years.

GFR < 15 ml/min = 43.2 (14.6) years.


Cross-sectional study.

Two outpatient clinics.

Midwest, USA.

Kidney transplant patients.

Ortega (2007)

307 patients.

51.6 (12) years.


Prospective observational study.

16 hospitals.


Adult patients with end-stage renal disease who received a kidney transplant.

Ortega (2009)

162 patients.

55.8 (12.3) years.


Prospective observational study.

Four hospitals.

California, USA.

Pre-renal transplant and 12 months post-renal transplant.

Ortega (2013)

206 patients.

53.4 (12.9) years.


Cross-sectional study.

39 transplantation units.


Renal transplant patients 6–24 months post-renal transplant.

Pan (2018)

315 patients.

57.3 (14.9) years.


Cross-sectional study.

First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University.

Eastern China.

Patients on HD.

Wong (2019)a

399 patients.

57.3 (12.7) years.


Cross-sectional study.

Hospital, community HD centres or home HD or PD.

Hong Kong.

Patients undergoing home based nocturnal HD, PD, hospital or community HD.

  1. Abbreviations: CKD chronic kidney disease, GFR glomerular filtration rate, HD haemodialysis, PD peritoneal dialysis, SD standard deviation