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Table 1 General, quantified balance deficit, dizziness and structural vestibular deficit data

From: Relation of anxiety and other psychometric measures, balance deficits, impaired quality of life, and perceived state of health to dizziness handicap inventory scores for patients with dizziness


Quantified Balance Disorders (QBD) group

Dizziness Only (DO) group




Age mean ± SD

60.1 ± 9.9 years

45.6 ± 14.0 years

Gender M/F



Pathological BCIa



Duration of dizziness mean ± SD

3.5 ± 5.0 years

5.4 ± 7.7 years

Dizziness constant (fitting definition of PPPDb) or occurring in episodes.

12 constant/8 episodes

11 constant/9 episodes

Fear of falling



Deficits in VORc tests



Unilateral peripheral vestibular deficit due to vestibular neuritis – not or over-compensated, 2 with active BPPNe, 4 with constant dizziness.



Unilateral peripheral vestibular deficit due to vestibular neuritis – compensated. 6 with constant dizziness.


  1. aBCI stands for Balance Control Index, which is a combination of measurement values from stance and gait tests [22, 23]
  2. bPPPD (persistent postural-perceptual dizziness) is defined according to the criteria of Staab et al. [27] and requires that dizziness be present for 15 of every consecutive 30 days
  3. cVOR stands for vestibular ocular reflex. To be defined as a peripheral vestibular deficit the caloric paresis value had to be greater than 30%.To be defined as a not centrally compensated deficit, the rotating chair response asymmetry for yaw rotation accelerations of 20°/s2 towards and away from the deficit side had to be greater than 15%. To be defined as a centrally over-compensated, the deficit the rotating chair response asymmetry for rotation accelerations of 20°/s2 had to be less than − 15%. 30 and 15%, respectively, are the upper 95% limits of normal subjects for these tests
  4. dThe remaining 5 patients without deficits in VOR tests were assumed to have phobic postural vertigo, based on the criteria of Querner et al. [28] and Brandt et al. [29]. 2 had constant dizziness
  5. eBPPN stands for benign proximal positioning nystagmus