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Table 1 Original version of the NOSE scale with adapted translations in German language (italic)

From: Adaption and validation of the nasal obstruction symptom evaluation scale in German language (D-NOSE)

Over the past 1 month, how much of a problem were the following conditions for you?

Inwieweit waren die folgenden Zustände in den letzten 4 Wochen ein Problem für Sie?


not a problem

kein Problem

very mild problem

sehr geringes Problem

moderate problem

mäßiges Problem

fairly bad problem

recht großes Problem

severe problem

schweres Problem

Nasal congestion or stuffiness

Verstopfung der Nase

Nasal blockage or obstruction

Engegefühl in der Nase

Trouble breathing through my nose

Probleme durch die Nase zu atmen

Trouble sleeping

Probleme zu schlafen

Unable to get enough air through my nose during exercise or exertion

Unfähigkeit beim Sport genug Luft durch die Nase zu bekommen