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Table 5 Correlations between change scores PRAQ outcome domains and comparator instruments a (n = 53)

From: Instrument completion and validation of the patient-reported apnea questionnaire (PRAQ)



PROMIS Sleep-related impairment

RAND vitality

PROMIS fatigue

PROMIS Ability to participatie in Social Roles and Activities

PROMIS Satisfaction Social Roles

PROMIS anger/ anxiety/ depression

PROMIS sleep disturban-ce







Energy&daily activities

















Symptoms at night



Social interactions






  1. ESS = Epworth Sleepiness scale, PROMIS = Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System
  2. a. Correlations in bold are considered similar constructs, for which detailed hypotheses were created. The other correlations are of (somewhat) different constructs and are expected to be weaker than the bold font correlations for that PRAQ-outcome domain (for details, see Appendix 2). Correlations for which we had no specific expectations are not shown