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Table 5 Description of the constructed variables

From: Peer effects in health valuation: the relation between rating of contemporaries’ health and own health



Response levels


Subjective feeling of own health today as measured by a visual analogue scale.

Number between 0 and 100, divided by 100 in the analysis to arrive at values between 0 and 1.


The respondents’ estimation of their contemporaries’ health status (i.e., other people of their age) as measured by a VAS.

Number between 0 and 100, divided by 100 in the analysis to arrive at values between 0 and 1.


Ordinal question asking whether the respondent felt their health was better than, worse than or the same as their contemporaries’ health.



Dummy variable indicating whether respondent felt their health was better than their contemporaries’ health or not.

1 (better health) or 0 (the same or worse health)


Summation of the levels of each dimension, with a higher number representing a worse health state.

Number between 5 and 25