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Table 1 Patient Demographic and Disease Characteristics Patients with Electronic Diary Assessments at Day 1 and Patients with Week 12 Electronic Diary Assessments (mITT Population) for RA-BEAM and RA-BUILD

From: Psychometric properties of the single-item measure, severity of worst tiredness, in patients with moderately to severely active rheumatoid arthritis




Total mITT Population (n = 1305)

Patients with Day 1 Diary Scores (n = 537)

Patients with Week 12 Diary Scoresa (n = 1281)

Total mITT Population (n = 684)

Patients with Day 1 Diary Scores (n = 312)

Patients with Week 12 Diary Scoresa (n = 666)

Age (years)


 Mean (SD)

53.3 (12.1)

53.2 (12.3)

53.2 (12.0)

51.8 (12.3)

51.5 (12.3)

51.8 (12.3)

Gender, n (%)



1009 (77.3%)

414 (77.1%)

989 (77.2%)

560 (81.9%)

262 (84.0%)

546 (82.0%)

Race, n (%)



818 (62.7%)

422 (78.6%)

801 (62.5%)

457 (66.8%)

254 (81.4%)

444 (66.7%)

 Black or African American

10 (0.8%)

5 (0.9%)

9 (0.7%)

28 (4.1%)

16 (5.1%)

27 (4.1%)


392 (30.0%)

45 (8.4%)

388 (30.3%)

180 (26.3%)

31 (9.9%)

176 (26.4%)

 American Indian or Alaska Native

63 (4.8%)

49 (9.1%)

61 (4.8%)

14 (2.0%)

8 (2.6%)

14 (2.1%)

 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

0 (0.0%)

0 (0.0%)

0 (0.0%)

1 (0.1%)

0 (0.0%)

1 (0.1%)


21 (1.6%)

16 (3.0%)

21 (1.6%)

3 (0.4%)

2 (0.6%)

3 (0.5%)


1 (0.1%)

0 (0.0%)

1 (0.1%)

1 (0.1%)

1 (0.3%)

1 (0.2%)

Years from RA Diagnosis


 Mean (SD) [Min, Max]

8.7 (8.2) [0–56]

8.7 (8.0) [0–40]

8.6 (8.1) [0–56]

6.3 (7.3) [0–53]

6.2 (6.5) [0–41]

6.4 (7.4) [0–53]

  1. Abbreviations: Max = maximum; Min = minimum; mITT = modified intent-to-treat; n = number of patients in the specified category; RA = rheumatoid arthritis; SD = standard deviation
  2. aDaily average of seven days preceding visit that contained at least 4 measurements