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Table 1 Number of patients across arrhythmia substrates interviewed before and after their ablation procedure

From: Establishing content validity in a novel patient reported outcome measure for cardiac arrhythmia ablation patients



Atrial fibrillation (AF)

Supraventricular tachycardia

Atrial flutter

Ventricular ectopics

Pre ablation (male/female)

15 (5/10)

9 (4/5)

2 (0/2)

3 (1/2)

1 (0/1)

Post ablation (male/female)

14 (8/6)

10 (6/4)

2 (0/2)

2 (2/0)

0 (0/0)

  1. *Total sample size = 25 patients (15 female / 10 male). Four patients who had previously received an ablation for paroxysmal AF were also awaiting a further ablation procedure for either paroxysmal AF (3 patients: 1 male, 2 female) or persistent atrial flutter (1 female patient). These patients were therefore classed as both pre and post-procedure at the time of interview.