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Table 1 Demographic and clinical data of the studied subjects (n = 48)

From: Improvement in health-related quality of life after therapy with omeprazole in patients with coronary artery disease and recurrent angina-like chest pain. A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of the SF-36 survey


Patients assigned

to therapy with omeprazole first

(n = 23)

Patients assigned

to therapy with

the placebo first

(n = 25)

Age (years)

58.3 (55.3-61.2)

61.2 (58.1-62.2)

Gender (males, n, %)

19 (83%)

18 (72%)

Number of angina-like symptoms per week (median and range)

10 (6-35)

12 (6-30)

Number of patients with angina-like symptom severity graded according to CCS classification

Class II-19 (83%)

Class III-4 (17%)

Class II-17 (68%)

Class III-8 (32%)


21 (91%)

24 (96%)

Concentration of total cholesterol (mg/dl)

198.3 (177-220)

197.9 (182.2-213.5)

Concentration of LDL cholesterol (mg/dl)

118.5 (95.6-141.4)

113.1 (103.2-123.0)

Concentration of HDL cholesterol (mg/dl)

52.6 (46.6-58.6)

50.6 (42.5-58.6)

Concentration of triglycerides (mg/dl)

175.8 (125.6-225.9)

176.9 (125-229)


14 (61%)

11 (44%)

Diabetes mellitus

5 (22%)

9 (36%)


7 (30%)

5 (20%)

History of myocardial infarction

13 (57%)

17 (68%)

History of PCI

6 (26%)

11 (44%)

History of CABG

3 (13%)

4 (16%)

Ejection fraction in echocardiography (%)

54.5 (47.2-61.7)

53.8 ± 8.4

Aspirin administration

23 (100%)

25 (100%)

Beta-blocker administration

19 (88%)

25 (100%)

Calcium-blocker administration

7 (30%)

6 (24%)

ACEI administration

20 (87%)

19 (76%)

Number of nitroglycerin tablets taken per week (median and range)

3 (0-20)

3 (0-15)

Long-acting nitrate administration

7 (30%)

15 (60%)*

Statin administration

21 (94%)

24 (96%)

BMI (kg/m2)

28.4 (26.8-30.0)

28.1 (26.6-29.7)


0.94 (0.91-0.97)

0.92 (0.89-0.92)

  1. data presented as mean ± 95% CI, or as patient number and %;
  2. *-p < 0.05 between omeprazole and placebo group using Fisher's exact test (for multiway tables) and the unpaired Student t-test
  3. PCI-percutaneous coronary intervention; CABG-coronary artery by-pass graft;
  4. BMI-body mass index; WHR-waist to hip (circumference) ratio;
  5. ACEI-angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor.