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Table 1 Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of the 107 patients with PXE.

From: The relative impact of vision impairment and cardiovascular disease on quality of life: the example of pseudoxanthoma elasticum


Total sample (n = 107)

Group A (n = 16)

No VI or CVCs

Group B (n = 35)

Only CVCs

Group C (n = 15)

Only VI

Group D (n = 41)


p value*

n (%)






38 (36%)

5 (31%)

14 (40%)

4 (27%)

15 (37%)



68 (64%)

11 (69%)

21 (60%)

10 (67%)

26 (63%)


Help to fill in questionnaires (self-report)

45 (42%)

1 (6%)

3 (9%)

9 (60%)

32 (78%)

< 0.001

Mean ± SD


Age (years)

57 ± 12

47 ± 11

53 ± 10

54 ± 16

64 ± 9

< 0.001

BCVA Snellen (LogMAR)

20/125 (0.79 ± 0.67)

20/25 (0.11 ± 0.11)

20/32 (0.16 ± 0.16)

20/250 (1.10 ± .056)

20/320 (1.24 ± 0.53)

< 0.001

Average no. of CVCs

1.61 ± 1.39


2.09 ± 1.12


2.41 ± 1.07

< 0.001

Duration of PXE (years)

17 ± 12

11 ± 10

18 ± 13

20 ± 14

18 ± 9


Functional IVI score

20.16 ± 8.16

28.12 ± 4.99

23.52 ± 6.62

20.99 ± 6.18

13.63 ± 5.99

< 0.001

Emotional IVI score

8.82 ± 3.24

10.75 ± 2.46

9.06 ± 3.11

10.63 ± 3.05

7.22 ± 2.98

< 0.001

Rasch guided SF-36 physical functioning score

19.98 ± 7.58

23.21 ± 5.73

19.76 ± 8.02

16.93 ± 7.35

20.29 ± 7.58


Rasch guided SF-36 mental health score

14.48 ± 6.19

16.77 ± 6.04

13.91 ± 5.67

14.30 ± 5.93

14.35 ± 6.69


  1. SD = Standard deviation; CVCs = cardiovascular complications; VI = Vision impairment; BCVA = Best corrected distance visual acuity. *ANOVA, testing for difference between all groups.