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Table 2 Mapping algorithm specifications

From: Mapping onto Eq-5 D for patients in poor health





Bansback (2006)1

EQ-5 D index (UK tariff) = .80 + (h1_2*-.15) + (h4_1*-.08) + (h4_2*-.12) + (h4_3* -.59) + (h6*-.15) + (h7_1*-.04) + (h7_2*-.08) + (h8*-.10) + (h9*.12) + (h13* -.14) + (h16*.07) + (h23*-.05) + (h24_1*-.05) + (h24_2*-.11) + (h26_2*-.14) + (h26_3*-.13) + (h27_2*-.08) + (h27_3*-.20) + (h30_1*-.05) + (h31_1*-.07) + (h31_2*-.08) + (h32*.09)


Test model2*

EQ-5 D index (Dutch tariff) = 0,858 + (haq1* -0,027) + (haq2*-0,035) + (haq3*-0,025) + (haq4*-0,033) + (haq5*-0,001) + (haq6*-0,035) + (haq7*-0,031) + (haq8*-0,057)


McKenzie (2009)3

EQ-5 D index (UK tariff) = .2376 + (ql*.0016) + (pf*.0004) + (rf*.0022) + (ef*.0028) + (cf*.0009) + (sf*.0002) + (fa*-.0021) + (nv*.0005) + (pa*-.0024) + (dysp*.0004) + (sleep*.00004) + (eat*.0003) + (obsti*.0001) + (diarr*-.0003) + (finan*-.0006).


Versteegh (in press)4

EQ-5 D index (Dutch tariff) = 0.985 = (1*-.037) + (2*-.025) + (3*-.059) + (4*-.033) + (5*-.134) + (6_level2*-.033) + (6_level3*-.067) + (6_level4*-.180) + (7_level2*-.013) + (7_level3*-.037) + (7_level4*-.012) + (9_level2*-.065) + (9_level3*-.053) + (9_level4*-.189) + (16_level2*-.038) + (16_level3*-.045) + (16_level4*-.126) + (23_level2*-.028) + (23_level3*-.049) + (23_level4*-.456) + (24_level2*-.053) + (24_level3*-.140) + (24_level4*-.232) + (27_level2*-.027) + (27_level3*-.091) + (27_level4*-.110).

  1. 1 HAQ items as dummy variables: h1 = dressing & grooming; h4 = arising; h6-7 = eating; h8-9 = walking; h13-16 = aids or devices; h23-24 = hygiene; h26 = reach; h27-28 = grip; h30-32 = activities. (e.g. h1_2 = haq item one, answer level two).
  2. 2 HAQ sum scores: haq1 = dressing & grooming; haq2 = arising; haq3 = eating; haq4 = walking; haq5 = hygiene; haq6 = reach; haq 7 = grip; haq8 = activities.
  3. 3 QLQ-C30 sum scores: ql = quality of life; pf = physical functioning; rf = role functioning; ef = emotional functioning; cf = cognitive functioning; sf = social functioning; fa = fatigue; nv = nausea & vomiting; pa = pain; dysp = dyspnea; sleep = sleeping; eat = eating; obst = obstipation; diarr = diarrhea; finan = financial difficulties.
  4. 4 QLQ-C30 items as dummy variables: 1 to 5 = dichotomous items; 6 to 27 = four level items.
  5. * Not tested on external data-set.