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Table 4 Frequency counts of unique respondents making comments in various coding categories related to the daily management of skin oiliness*

From: A promising method for identifying cross-cultural differences in patient perspective: the use of Internet-based focus groups for content validation of new Patient Reported Outcome assessments

Coding Class

Total Sample

(n = 54)

US Sample

(n = 28)

German Sample

(n = 26)

Appearance and Social Impact


   Perception of appearance

67% (36/54)

71% (20/28)

62% (16/26)


59% (32/54)

46% (13/28)

73% (19/26)

   Social Confidence

18% (10/54)

18% (5/28)

19% (5/26)



   Preoccupation appearance**

56% (30/54)

28% (8/28)

85% (22/26)

   Worry about need to manage condition**

31% (17/54)

21% (6/28)

42% (11/26)

   Frequency checking skin oiliness

18% (10/54)

14% (4/28)

23% (6/26)

Impact on Daily life


   Washing or Cleansing for oil control**

65% (35/54)

75% (21/28)

54% (14/26)

   Times of day when typically washing

44% (24/54)

46% (13/28)

42% (11/26)

   Need to Blot**

41% (22/54)

64% (18/28)

15% (4/26)

   Apply Face Powder (females only) **

52% (14/27)

38% (5/13)

64% (9/14)

   Makeup (Re)Application (females only)**

30% (8/27)

54% (7/13)

7% (1/14)

    Number of cleansings per day


- 1–2

42% (23/54)

36% (10/28)

50% (13/26)

- 3–5

50% (27/54)

39% (11/28)

62% (16/26)

- 6–15

18% (10/54)

11% (3/28)

27% (7/26)

    Effect on diet


- No Fast Food, No Rich Food

54% (29/54)

50% (14/28)

58% (15/26)

- No Chocolate, No Sweets**

26% (14/54)

7% (2/28)

46% (12/26)

- Eat Healthy Foods, Eat More Fruit**

26% (14/54)

36% (10/28)

15% (4/26)

  1. * Coding categories which were used to code 15% or less of the overall participants were dropped.
  2. ** Categories where differences between German and US frequencies were observed.