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Table 1 Items, structure and scoring for the HoNOS family of measures

From: A review of the psychometric properties of the Health of the Nation Outcome Scales (HoNOS) family of measures






1. Overactive, aggressive, disruptive or agitated behaviour

2. Non-accidental self-injury

3. Problem drinking or drug taking

4. Cognitive problems

5. Physical illness or disability problems

6. Problems associated with hallucinations and delusions

7. Problems with depressed mood

8. Other mental and behavioural problems

9. Problems with relationships

10. Problems with activities of daily living

11. Problems with living conditions

12. Problems with occupation and activities

Behaviour (1–3)

Impairment (4–5)

Symptoms (6–8)

Social (9–12)

Each item rated on a 5-point scale:

0. no problem

1. minor problem requiring no action

2. mild problem but definitely present

3. moderately severe problem

4. severe to very severe problem.

Scoring yields individual item scores, subscale scores and a total score.


1. Problems with disruptive, antisocial or aggressive behaviour

2. Problems with over-activity, attention or concentration

3. Non-accidental self-injury

4. Problems with alcohol, substance or solvent misuse

5. Problems with scholastic or language skills

6. Physical illness or disability problems

7. Problems associated with hallucinations, delusions or abnormal perceptions

8. Problems with non-organic somatic symptoms

9. Problems with emotional and related symptoms

10. Problems with peer relationships

11. Problems with self-care and independence

12. Problems with family life and relationships

13. Poor school attendance

14. Problems with knowledge or understanding about the nature of the child or adolescent's difficulties

15. Problems with lack of information about services or management of the child or adolescent's difficulties

Section A (1–13)

    Behaviour (1–4)

    Impairment (5–6)

    Symptoms (7–9)

    Social (10–13)

Section B (14–15)

Each item rated on a 5-point scale:

0. no problem

1. minor problem requiring no action

2. mild problem but definitely present

3. moderately severe problem

4. severe to very severe problem.

Scoring yields individual item scores, subscale scores and a total score (derived from Section A only).


1. Behavioural disturbance (e.g., overactive, aggressive, disruptive or agitated behaviour, uncooperative or resistive behaviour);

2. Non-accidental self-injury;

3. Problem drinking or drug taking;

4. Cognitive problems;

5. Physical illness or disability problems;

6. Problems associated with hallucinations and delusions;

7. Problems with depressive symptoms;

8. Other mental and behavioural problems;

9. Problems with relationships;

10. Problems with activities of daily living;

11. Problems with living conditions; and

12. Problems with occupation and activities

Behaviour (1–3)

Impairment (4–5)

Symptoms (6–8)

Social (9–12)

Each item rated on a 5-point scale:

0. no problem

1. minor problem requiring no action

2. mild problem but definitely present

3. moderately severe problem

4. severe to very severe problem.

Scoring yields individual item scores, subscale scores and a total score.