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Table 2 Main characteristics of CIRS, FCI and Charlson†

From: Comparative assessment of three different indices of multimorbidity for studies on health-related quality of life

Comorbidity indices





1. Cardiac

2. Vascular

3. Hematological

4. Respiratory

5. Ophthalmological and ORL

6. Upper gastrointestinal

7. Lower gastrointestinal

8. Hepatic and pancreatic

9. Renal

10. Genitourinary

11. Musculoskeletal and tegumental

12. Neurological

13. Endocrine, metabolic, breast

14. Psychiatric

1. Arthritis (rheumatoid and osteoarthritis)

2. Osteoporosis

3. Asthma


5. Angina

6. Congestive heart failure or heart disease

7. Heart attack

8. Neurological disease

9. Stroke or transient ischemic attack

10. Diabetes types I and II

11. Peripheral vascular disease

12. Upper gastrointestinal disease

13. Depression

14. Anxiety or panic disorders

15. Visual impairment

16. Hearing impairment

17. Degenerative disk disease

18. Obesity and/or BMI > 30 kg/m2

1. Myocardial infarct

2. Congestive heart failure

3. Peripheral vascular disease

4. Cerebrovascular disease

5. Dementia

6. Chronic pulmonary disease

7. Connective tissue disease

8. Ulcer disease

9. Stroke or transient ischemic attack

10. Diabetes

11. Hemiplegia

12. Moderate or severe renal disease

13. Diabetes with end organ damage

14. Any tumor

15. Leukemia

16. Lymphoma

17. Moderate or severe liver disease

18. Metastatic solid tumor

19. AIDS


All systems weighted from 0 to 4:

0 No problem

1 Mild

2 Moderate

3 Severe

4 Extremely severe

Presence (yes) or absence (no) of diagnoses

Conditions from 1 to 10, weight = 1

Conditions from 11 to 16, weight = 2

Condition 17, weight = 3

Conditions 18 and 19, weight = 6

Final score

Sum of weights assigned to each system

Sum of "yes" answers

Sum of weights assigned to each condition that a patient has

  1. † CIRS = Cumulative Illness Rating Scale; FCI = Functional Comorbidity Index; Charlson = Charlson index.
  2. * COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; ARDS = acquired respiratory distress syndrome