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Table 1 The Menopause health state classification

From: Estimating a preference-based index for a menopause specific health quality of life questionnaire

1. hot flushes

1) You have no hot flushes

2) You get 1–3 hot flushes per day

3) You get 4 or more hot flushes per day

2. aching joints or muscles

1) You have no aching joints or muscles at all.

2) You have 1–3 episodes of aching joints or muscles per week.

3) You have 4 or more episodes of aching joints or muscles per week.

4) You have mild to moderate constant pain in your joints or muscles.

5) You have severe constant pain in your joints or muscles.

3. anxious or frightened feelings

1) You do not have anxious or frightened feelings.

2) You have anxious or frightened feelings 1–3 times per week.

3) You have anxious or frightened feelings 4 or more times per week.

4. breast tenderness

1) You have no breast tenderness.

2) You have mild to moderate breast tenderness.

3) You have severe breast tenderness

5. bleeding

1) You have no bleeding

2) You have mild regular (monthly) bleeding

3) You have mild irregular bleeding

4) You have intense regular (monthly) bleeding

5) You have intense irregular bleeding

6. undesirable cosmetic signs (facial or body hair growth, greasy skin or acne)

1) You have no undesirable cosmetic signs.

2) You have mild to moderate undesirable cosmetic signs

3) You have severe undesirable cosmetic signs.

7. vaginal dryness

1) You have no vaginal dryness.

2) You have mild to moderate vaginal dryness.

3) You have severe vaginal dryness.