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Table 1 Concepts and measurements of quality of life

From: Caring for family members with chronic physical illness: A critical review of caregiver literature

Outcome (QOL)

Single Measurement

Composite Measure

Quality of life

1. Caregiver quality of life index – cancer [28]

1.1) Stress, 2) Anxiety, 3) Depression, 4) Health [7]


2. Multidimensional quality of life scale – cancer [33]

2.1) Physical health, 2) Emotional health,


3. Quality of life index [32]

3) Use of psychotropic drugs,


4) Caregivers' social life,


5) Financial status [30]


1.1) Depression, 2) Life satisfaction, 3) Health [12]

Adaptational outcome (Adaptation)


2.1) Caregiver's level of life satisfaction,


2) Depression


3) Subjective symptoms of stress [13]

Mental health outcome


1.1) Depression, 2) Quality of life [29]

Life satisfaction

1. 8-item, open-ended questionnaire [21]


Stress outcome (stress response, distress)

1. Brief symptom inventory [34]

1.1) Yielding of role, 2) Physical health, 3) Anxiety [24]


2.1) Anxiety, 2) Depression, 3) Stress [25]


3.1) Burden, 2) Depression, 3) Anxiety [26]

Emotional (Psychological) distress

1. Profile of mood states – short form [22]


2. General health questionnaire [23]



1. the Medical Outcome Study 36-item

1.1) Caregiver mental health,


Short Form Health Survey [31]

2) Caregiver physical health [14]

Caregiving Burden

1. Zarit burden scale 27




1.1) depression, 2) strain [15]