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Table 1 Characteristics of participants (n = 42)

From: Comparison of the NEI-VFQ and OSDI questionnaires in patients with Sjögren's syndrome-related dry eye


Mean, sd [range]

N (%)

Age (y)

54.9 (12.7) [31–81]






34 (81%)



3 (7%)



5 (12%)





40 (95%)



2 (5%)

Visual acuity*


   20/20 + OU


18 (44%)

   20/20+, better eye


10 (24%)

   20/25+, better eye


12 (29%)

   <20/25, better eye


1 (2%)

Vital dye staining


   Oxford score

7.2 (3.4) [1–14]




34 (81%)

   Van Bijsterveld score**

5.3 (2.7) [0–9]




28 (74%)

Tear production


   Tear film break-up time (s)**

2.9 (1.7) [1–8]


   < 5 sec


33 (87%)

   Schirmer without anesthesia (mm)

4.9 (5.4) [0–20]




25 (60%)



8 (19%)



9 (21%)

Meibomian gland disease**




10 (26%)



8 (21%)



20 (53%)

European-American dry eye criteria


37 (90%)

  1. *One person had missing visual acuity information; **Four persons had missing information for some components of the clinical examination