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Table 2 Exact and global agreements and ICC between touch-screen and paper-and-pencil modes

From: Measurement equivalence and feasibility of the EORTC QLQ-PR25: paper-and-pencil versus touch-screen administration


Exact agreementa

Global agreementb


Urinary symptoms (8 items)c

629/791 (80%)

778/791 (98%)


Bowel symptoms (4 items)

351/396 (89%)

396/396 (100%)


Treatment-related symptoms (6 items)

500/591 (85%)

574/591 (97%)


Sexual activity (2 items)

142/196 (72%)

187/196 (95%)


Sexual functioning (4 items)d

92/151 (61%)

133/151 (88%)


  1. Number of total pairs = number of subjects × number of items – number of missing pairs.
  2. aExact agreement (in%): number of same response pairs/number of total pairs.
  3. bGlobal agreement (in%): number of within one-difference response pairs/number of total pairs.
  4. cIn our study, there is no patients reported using incontinence aid, therefore, we deleted an item (US38 “Incontinence aid”) from the Urinary symptom domain, resulting in 8 items remained in this domain.
  5. dSexual functioning items only apply to sexually active subjects. A total of 48 patients reported being sexually active. Meanwhile, forty-one missing pairs occurred in this domain.