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Table 1 Differences between open-ended and closed questions

From: Interviewing to develop Patient-Reported Outcome (PRO) measures for clinical research: eliciting patients’ experience

Open-ended questions

Closed questions

In-depth interviews

Standardized interviews

E.g., “What is it like for you to have X (insert condition)?”

“How would you rate your (insert specific concept, such as pain) on this 0-100 scale?

Describe an average day, living with X (insert condition). How about a good day? A bad day?

Do you have (insert specific concept)?

Allow for responding in one’s own words

All persons answer the same questions allowing for comparisons

Do not suggest answers

Less variable answers

No a priori framework, inductive approach

Deductive approach, allows for quantification

Necessary to develop closed questions to probe


May help understand deviant answers to closed questions – tell me more about that

  1. Adapted from Boutin [18], p119.