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Table 1 SF-36 health survey consisting of eight health concept/scales/dimensions

From: Factors associated with health-related quality of life among Indian women in mining and agriculture


SF 36 Health Dimensions

Total items

Functional status subscales: 1,2, 6,7

1. Physical functioning (PF)

Perceptions of quality of life that are influenced by their physical condition. Performing vigorous activities, moderate activities or all types of physical activities including the most vigorous without limitation as a result of health.


2. Physical role limitations (RP)

Performance of the roles in daily activities is impeded by their physical state of health, e.g. ability to perform vigorous activities or moderate activities.


Physical limitations in performance of daily living. Problems encountered with daily activities or work as a result of physical health or No problems with work or other daily activities as a result of physical health.


6. Social functioning (SF)

Social activities and interaction with significant others such as family members, friends, neighbours and other social relations. Performance of social activities in lieu of health problem (eg, osteoarthritis) or normal social activities without interference.


7. Emotional – Role limitations (RE)

Emotional condition, e.g. feeling depressed or anxious, limits the daily functioning and ability to perform roles, such as in cutting down on the amount of time spent on work or other activities and accomplishing less than he/she would like to. Problems encountered with daily activities or work as a result of emotional health or No problems with work or other daily activities as a result of emotional problems.



Wellbeing subscales: 3-5,8


3. Bodily pain (BP)

The scores on this dimension indicate to what extent the respondents’ experience of bodily pain hinders their performance of daily activities, including work-related duties in the public domain and tasks within the home environment. Overall pain severity. No pain or limitations resulting from pain.


5. Vitality/energy/fatigue (VT)

Feeling energetic and full of pep, or worn out and tired.


Frequency of feeling full of energy vs tired. Feels full of pep and energy all of the time.


8. General Mental health (MH)

Psychological distress and psychological wellbeing dimension of the respondent is measured in terms of the extent to which he/she is inter alia feeling full of pep, is happy, is feeling calm and peaceful, is very nervous, or is feeling worn out and tired. Degree of nervousness or depression. Feels peaceful, happy



Overall evaluation of health subscale: 4


4. General health perceptions (GH)

Concepts such as excellent, very good, good, fair or poor, getting ill easier than other people, and just as healthy as anyone he/she knows. Overall general health. Evaluates personal health as excellent.


Total SF36 Health Survey scale


36th question

“Compare health now with that one year ago?”, is not included within these eight scales

  1. Note. Physical health: subscales 1-5, Mental health: subscales 4-8.