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Table 1 Socio-demographic, clinical and psychosocial characteristics of patients who provided complete data for analyses and those who were excluded from the studya

From: Association of anemia and mineral and bone disorder with health-related quality of life in Asian pre-dialysis patients


Included patients

(n = 311)

Excluded patientsa

(n = 579)

Mean (SD) Age, in years

62.6 ± 11.06

65.7 ± 11.42***

Gender, N (%)


130 (41.8)

268 (46.3)


181 (58.2)

311 (53.7)

Race, N (%)


188 (60.5)

412 (71.2)


103 (33.1)

128 (22.1)**


14 (4.5)

29 (5.0)


6 (1.9)

10 (1.7)

Marital Status, N (%)




28 (9.0)



220 (70.7)


 Divorced, separated or widowed

63 (20.3)


Education level, N (%)



 No education

64 (20.7)



99 (31.9)



87 (28.1)



60 (19.4)


Monthly income level, N (%)



 No income

198 (64.1)


 < $2000

65 (21.0)



29 (9.4)



10 (3.2)



7 (2.3)


CKD stage, N (%)




105 (33.8)



147 (47.3)



59 (19.0)


Co-morbidities, N (%)




275 (88.4)



278 (89.4)



217 (69.8)


 Heart Disease

136 (43.7)



38 (12.2)


Laboratory variables, Mean (SD)



 Serum hemoglobin, g/dL

11.9 ± 1.91


 Serum phosphorous, mg/dL

4.0 ± 0.96


 Adjusted calcium, mg/dL

9.2 ± 0.48


Medication use, Mean (SD)



 Types of medication

8.4 ± 3.27


 Daily pill burden

13.0 ± 6.71


FFM, Mean (SD)

65.5 ± 27.18


  1. CKD Chronic Kidney Disease, FFM Family Functioning Measure, N/A Not available
  2. Results are expressed as mean ± standard deviation or number (%)
  3. Statistical significance: **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001
  4. aExcluded patients refer to those who declined participation and those who consented but subsequently withdrew from the study. Only age, gender and race were available for excluded patients as they did not provide consent for access to their medical records or did not complete the questionnaires