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Table 3 Summary of categorical variables in estimation and validation datasets

From: Mapping of the EQ-5D index from clinical outcome measures and demographic variables in patients with coronary heart disease


Estimation dataset, n (%)

Validation dataset, n (%)

Mean (SD) EQ-5D (estimation dataset)

p-value (estimation dataset)





2059 (72)

1361 (72)

0.69 (0.30)



796 (28)

526 (28)

0.66 (0.29)


CCS class




499 (18)

319 (17)

0.81 (0.24)



513 (18)

306 (16)

0.78 (0.21)



801 (28)

509 (27)

0.70 (0.23)



364 (13)

252 (13)

0.49 (0.29)



326 (11)

265 (14)

0.38 (0.33)


Disease stage proxy




1241 (44)

815 (43)

0.71 (0.28)


   Pre PCI

116 (4)

63 (3)

0.77 (0.21)


   Post PCI

428 (15)

259 (14)

0.70 (0.29)


   Pre CABG/SCS/laser

66 (2)

47 (3)

0.76 (0.20)


   Post CABG/SCS/laser

993 (35)

698 (37)

0.61 (0.31)

  1. Key: SD = standard deviation, EQ-5D = EuroQol 5D index, CCS = Canadian Cardiovascular Society Angina Classification, MM = medical management, PCI = balloon angioplasty ± stent, CABG = coronary artery bypass graft, SCS = spinal cord stimulation, laser = percutaneous or transmyocardial laser revascularization