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Table 1 Item origins.

From: Development of a patient reported outcome scale for fatigue in multiple sclerosis: The Neurological Fatigue Index (NFI-MS)



Item wording

SE motor features

can develop weakness

Sometimes, I lose my body strength

SE cognitive features

concentrate on simple tasks

Sometimes, I really have to concentrate on what are usually simple things

SE motivation

thought puts off doing

The thought of having to do something often puts me off doing it

SE tiredness


By the end of the day I'm shattered


carry over

If I've overdone things, I know about it the next day

Precipitating/aggravating factors

physical exertion induces weakness

I soon become weak after physical effort

Relieving factors

day rest restorative

Resting allows me to carry on


weak at rest

I can become weak even if I've not been doing anything

Associated features

unrefreshing nocturnal sleep

When I awake in the morning, I feel unrefreshed

  1. Examples of item wording representing the individual features of fatigue in the context of the thematic framework derived from the qualitative analysis. SE = subjective experience.