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Table 3 Differences in HRQOL with respect to the presence of AF in Follow-up

From: Health-related quality of life in different clinical subgroups with typical AFL who have undergone cavo-tricuspid isthmus ablation


AF in Follow-up

No AF in Follow-up


(n = 23)

(n = 65)



1-year FU


1- year FU

Physical Function [ns]

56.7 ± 23.2

83.0 ± 14.2♦♦

61.9 ± 23.8

86.1 ± 15.8♦♦

Physical Role [**]

23.9 ± 36.5

60.4 ± 39.2♦♦

34.1 ± 42.2

82.3 ± 30.8♦♦

Bodily Pain [ns]

57.5 ± 33.9

69.7 ± 30.0

72.7 ± 30.7

81.8 ± 27.4

General Health [**]

34.7 ± 20.1

46.1 ± 21.3♦

45.8 ± 17.2♠

62.8 ± 18.9♦

Vitality [*]

36.7 ± 23,8

58.9 ± 21.1♦

44.7 ± 24.4

71.0 ± 23.2♦♦

Social Function [ns]

67.2 ± 29.8

83.1 ± 26.3♦♦

75.3 ± 28.2

91.7 ± 18.4♦♦

Emotional Role [*]

43.5 ± 45.4

76.8 ± 41.9♦♦

62.1 ± 42.9

92.8 ± 21.6♦♦

Mental Health [**]

52.0 ± 24.4

64.9 ± 18.7♦

57.3 ± 23.0

76.7 ± 17.4♦♦

PCS [*]

42.1 ± 27.0

62.9 ± 22.9♦♦

50.6 ± 27.3

75.0 ± 26.9♦♦

MCS [*]

47.8 ± 34.8

67.3 ± 32.8♦♦

59.1 ± 33.1

79.7 ± 20.9♦♦

  1. HRQOL scores at basal and at one-year follow-up in patients with and without AF during follow-up. Data are expressed as mean ± SD. PCS: Physical Component Summary; MCS: Mental Component Summary; AF: atrial fibrillation. FU: Follow-up.
  2. [*] p < 0.05, [**] p < 0.01, [ns] no significant, for the differences in HRQOL at one-year follow-up between patients with or without AF during follow-up.
  3. ♦ p < 0.05; ♦♦ p < 0.01: p-values for the differences at one-year follow-up compared with basal values in each group.
  4. ♠ p = 0.02 for the differences at basal between patients with or without AF during follow-up. No significant differences in any of HRQOL remaining dimensions at basal between the two groups.
  5. No significant difference were found for HRQOL differences values (one year follow-up - basal) between patients with or without AF during follow-up.