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Table 2 Median change scores including median 95%CI ranges in subgroups RR ≥ 60% and RR < 60% at pre-12 m

From: Quality of total hip arthroplasty health care based on four years of patient-reported outcomes in the Netherlands


RR ≥ 60% (n = 12 (16%))

RR < 60% (n = 57 (78%))

p value*




2017 (n = 52)

2018 (n = 56)

2019 (n = 57)

NRS pain at rest

(change score (95%CI range))

4.31 (0.55)

4.35 (0.52)

4.27 (0.53)

4.26 (0.94)

4.27 (1.00)

4.34 (0.82)

0.673 (0.610)

NRS pain during activity (change score (95%CI range))

5.80 (0.43)

5.74 (0.43)

5.73 (0.43)

5.75 (0.73)

5.83 (0.76)

5.76 (0.67)

0.885 (0.678)


(change score (95%CI range))

34.08 (3.70)

35.67 (3.54)

35.79 (3.60)

34.72 (7.35)

34.48 (6.46)

35.26 (5.87)

0.378 (0.339)

EQ-5D descriptive system (change score (95%CI range))

0.290 (0.050)

0.290 (0.050)

0.285 (0.055)

0.290 (0.100)

0.290 (0.100)

0.280 (0.090)

0.758 (0.218)


(change score (95%CI range))

9.12 (3.91)

11.82 (3.86)

11.68 (3.79)

10.69 (6.46)

10.51 (6.25)

11.53 (5.81)

0.522 (0.079)

  1. *p values of the difference in the subgroups on overall rate of increase or decrease over the years are presented
  2. EQ-5D descriptive system = EuroQol 5 dimensions descriptive system; EQ-5D VAS = EuroQol visual analogue scale; HOOS-PS = Hip disability and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score-Physical Function Shortform; NRS = numeric rating scale; RR = response rate