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Table 2 Representation of themes from interviews and coverage by EORTC QLQ-C30 and EORTC EN-24

From: ‘I thought I had fibroids, and now I don’t’: a mixed method study on health-related quality of life in uterine sarcoma patients




Phyiscal health

1. Gastrointestinal symptoms

1. Gastrointestinal symptoms



1.1 Bloated feeling of the abdomen



1.2 Pressure in the abdomen

1.2 Heaviness in the abdomena


1.3 Feeling a mass in the abdomen

1.3 Swelling of the abdomena


1.4 Bowel movement problems

1.4 Problems with defecation


1.4.1 Constipation

1.4.1 Constipation



1.4.2 Diarrhoea

1.4.2 Diarrhoea



1.4.3 Tingling sensation in hips when I need to open my bowels


1.5 Lack of appetite

1.5 Lack of appetiteb



1.6 Gastro-esofageal reflux


1.7 Nausea/ vomiting

1.7 Nausea/ vomitingb



1.8 Abdominal pain

1.8 Abdominal pain


1.9 Rectal bleedinga


2. Sexual problems

2. Sexual problems


2.1 Decreased ability to reach an orgasm


2.2 Decreased interest in sex



2.3 Less sexual enjoyment



2.4 Vaginal dryness

2.4 Vaginal drynessa




2.5 Vagina feels short or tighta




2.6 Pain during sex



3. Gynaecological symptoms

3. Gynaecological symptoms


3.1 Heavy periods

3.1 Heavy periodsa


3.2 Abnormal vaginal bleeding

3.2 Abnormal vaginal bleedinga


3.3 Vaginal dischargea


4. Urinary problems

4. Urinary problems


4.1 Needed a catheter/ catheterising


4.2 Urinary incontinence

4.2 Urgency to go to the toilet to urinate



4.3 Urinating frequently




4.4 Pain when passing urine



5. Hormonal problems

5. Hormonal problems


5.1 Menopausal symptoms (“hot flushes, night sweats, insomnia, anxiety, sexual problems, vaginal dryness”)


5.2 Experiencing menopausal symptoms because I cannot take hormone-replacement therapy

5.2 No treatments possible for menopausal symptoms


5.3 Going into menopauze early


5.4 Pain in muscles and joints



6. Neurological symptoms

6. Neurological symptoms


6.1 Numbness

6.1 Numbnessb



6.2 Tingling

6.2 Tingling in feet



7. Functional impairment

7. Functional impairment


7.1 Impairments in ADL

7.1 Impairment in ADL (Needed help with ADL)



7.2 Impairments in mobility

7.2 Impairment in mobility


7.3 Physical impairment

7.3 Physical impairmentb



8. Lack of energy

8. Lack of energy


8.1 Feeling tired

8.1 Feeling tiredb



8.2 Need to rest




8.3 Feeling weak and lacking energy

8.3 Feeling weak and lacking energyb



9. Trouble sleeping

9. Trouble sleepingb



9.1 Trouble sleeping because of having to go to bathroom frequently


9.2 Trouble sleeping because of worries


10. Pain

10. Pain



10.1 Circumstances of pain


10.1.1 Postoperative pain


10.1.2 Pain when lifting heavy things


10.2 Different locations of pain


10.2.1 Pain of the lump


10.2.2 Pain in area of surgery


10.2.3 Back pain



10.3 Need to take pain medication

10.3 Need to take pain medicationb


11. Radiotherapy related problems

11. Radiotherapy related problemsb


11.1 Burning and painful skin

11.1 Burning and painful skinb


11.2 Blisters of skin


11.3 Ulcer near the anus


12. Chemotherapy related issues

12. Chemotherapy related issuesb


12.1 Feeling ill

12.1 Feeling illb


12.2 Lower resistance to infection

12.2 Lower resistance to infectionb


12.3 Hair problems

12.3 Hair problemsb



12.4 Nail problems


12.5 Eye problems


12.6 Mouth problems

12.6 Mouth problemsb


12.7 Nose problems


12.8 Skin problems

12.8 Skin problemsb


13. Weight problems

13.Weight problems


13.1 Weight gain

13.1 Weight gain


13.2 Weight loss

13.2 Weight loss


14. Respiratory problems

14. Respiratory problems


14.1 Shortness of breath

14.1 Shortness of breathb



14.2 Trouble breathing on exertion


15. Symptoms related to metastasis or local treatment for metastasis


15.1 Eating problems


15.2 Mouth problems


15.3 Problems with speaking


16. Local effects of tumour


16.1 Fistulationa


16.2 Mass protruding from vaginaa


16.3 Deep venous thrombosis


16.4 Leg problems



17. Surgery effects

17. Surgery effects


17.1 Herniation


17.2 Improvement of quality of life after treatment

17.2 Improvement of quality of life after treatment


17.3 Nephrostomy


17.4 Swelling of legs




18. Infertility


Mental health


1. Anxiety/Worries



1.1 Fear of recurrence


1.1.1 Scanxiety

1.1.1 Scanxietyb


1.1.2 Fear of recurrence

1.1.2 Fear of recurrenceb


1.1.3 Anxiety due to delay of diagnosis and treatment


1.1.4 Anxiety after initial misdiagnosis


1.2 Fear of death

1.2 Fear of deathb


1.3 Fear for treatment


1.4 Fears about having sex


1.5 Worried about your condition’s impact on loved ones

1.5 Worried about patient’s condition’s impact on loved onesb


2. Dislike of changed appearance/Changed body image

2. Changed body image


2.1 Hair loss




2.2 Scarsb


2.3 Physical deformity

2.3 Physical deformityb


2.4 Felt less attractive

2.4 Felt less attractive




2.5 Felt less feminine




2.6 Less self-esteem


2.7 Felt body is changing


3. Felt constantly reminded about your condition


4. Living with uncertainty

4. Living with uncertaintyb


4.1 Uncertainty regarding treatment


4.2 Uncertainty regarding the future

4.2 Uncertainty regarding the futureb


5. Felt distressed by the lack of knowledge about sarcoma

5. Felt distressed by the lack of knowledge about sarcomab


6. Desire to have contact with fellow patients

6. Desire to have contact with fellow patientsb


7. Change in emotions

7. Change in emotions


7.1 Feeling sad

7.1 Feeling sadb


7.2 Being more emotional


8. Felt stigmatized

8. Felt stigmatizedb


9. Shock of diagnosis

9. Shock of diagnosis


9.1 Sarcoma diagnosis comes unexpectedly after initial misdiagnosis


10. Dealing with (risk of) infertility


11. Lack of psychosexual support


11.1 Sexual problems are rarely discussed spontaneously


Social health

1. Loss of independence

1. Loss of independenceb



2. Relationship with others

2. Relationship with others



2.1 Losing contact with friends or family

2.1 Losing contact with friends or familyb


2.2 Isolation

2.2 Isolation b


2.3 Lack of understanding from others

2.3 Lack of understanding from othersb


3. Limitation in activities

3. Limitation in activities


3.1 Limitation in social activities

3.1 Limitation in social activities b



3.2 Limitation in leisure activities or hobbies

3.2 Limitation in leisure activities or hobbiesb



3.3 Difficulty doing activities with (grand) children


4. Financial difficulties because of medical costs and medical aid

4. Financial difficulties because of loss of income & medical costsb



5. Changes in work or study capacity

5. Changes in work


5.1 Had to change function at work

5.1 Change in career


5.2 Limitations in work/study

5.2 Limitations in work



5.3 Not being able to work

5.3 Not being able to workb


6. Having a changed life

6. Having a changed lifeb

  1. ADL activities of daily living
  2. aOnly reported for uterine sarcoma patients
  3. bReported for sarcoma patient population as a whole