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Table 1 Characteristics of participants by country

From: Developing a short-form version of the HIV Disability Questionnaire (SF-HDQ) for use in clinical practice: a Rasch analysis


Canada (n = 941)

Ireland (n = 96)

Number (%)

Number (%)




740 (79%)

71 (74%)


159 (17%)

23 (24%)


19 (2%)

2 (2%)


15 (2%)



8 (1%)


Median age in years (25–75th percentile)

48 (39–54)

41 (34–48)

 50 years or older

405 (43%)

22 (23%)

Median time since HIV diagnosis in years (25–75th percentile)

13 (6–21)

9 (4–14)

Taking antiretroviral therapy

851 (90%)

84 (88%)

Undetectable viral load (< 40 copies/mL)b

572 (67%)

41 (85%)

Employment status (full-time or part-time)

350 (37%)

52 (54%)

Median number of concurrent health conditions (25–75th percentile)

3 (1–6)

1 (0–3)

Living with ≥ 2 concurrent health conditions in addition to HIV

518 (72%)

39 (41%)

Common concurrent health conditionsa


 Mental health condition

392 (42%)

18 (19%)

 Muscle pain

308 (33%)

21 (22%)

 Joint pain

282 (30%)

22 (23%)


248 (26%)

9 (9%)

 Neurocognitive decline

209 (22%)

11 (12%)

 Hepatitis Cc

95 (10%)

21 (22%)

 Self-rated health status ‘very good’

274 (29%)

34 (35%)

  1. Number of participants: n = 1037; Not all characteristics add to the total n due to missing responses
  2. aConcurrent health conditions experienced by ≥ 20% of respondents in either sample
  3. bBased on number of participants who confirmed they were taking antiretroviral therapy; out of 851 (Canadian) and 48 (Irish) samples respectively. Among Canadian sample, 44 (5%) could not remember or did not know their viral load
  4. cIrish sample recruited from an HIV-Hep-C co-infection clinic