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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of study participants (N = 4052)

From: Psychometric evaluation of a Canadian version of the Seattle Angina Questionnaire (SAQ-CAN)

Patients’ characteristics

n (%)

Age, y, mean (SD)

65.93 (9.84)

Sex (male), n (%)

3239 (79.94)

Left ventricular ejection fraction, n (%)


> 50%

2645 (65.28)


475 (11.72)


110 (2.71)

< 20%

24 (0.59)

Not done

798 (19.69)

HADS-depression, mean (SD)

14.44 (2.93)

HADS-anxiety, mean (SD)

17.04 (4.26)

Diabetes mellitus, n (%)

1106 (27.30)

Hypertension, n (%)

3124 (77.10)

Hyperlipidemia, n (%)

3285 (81.07)

Prior MI, n(%)

647 (15.97)

Prior thrombolytic therapy, n (%)

5 (0.12)

BMI, mean (SD)

30.39 (44.18)

Smoking, n (%)

445 (11.31)

SAQ subscales, mean (SD)


Physical limitation

60.93 (20.75)

Angina stability

71.00 (29.64)

Angina frequency

78.96 (23.18)

Treatment satisfaction

82.21 (17.31)

Disease perception

61.39 (25.25)

  1. NB: Data are presented as frequencies (n or N), percentages (%), standard deviation (SD), HADS: anxiety and depression scale, MI myocardial infarction, BMI body mass index, SAQ Seattle Angina Questionnaire, SD standard deviation