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Table 1 Items included in the Mental Health Continuum-Short Form (MHC-SF) questionnairea

From: Measuring positive mental health and flourishing in Denmark: validation of the mental health continuum-short form (MHC-SF) and cross-cultural comparison across three countries

Theoretical dimension

In the past month, how often did you feel …

I løbet af den sidste måned, hvor ofte har du følt …

Emotional well-being

− Happiness

a) Happy

Dig glad

− Intererest

b) Interested in life

Dig interesseret i livet

− Life satisfaction

c) Satisfied

Dig tilfreds med livet

Social well-being

− Social contribution

d) That you had something important to contribute to society

At du havde noget vigtigt at bidrage med til samfundet

− Social integration

e) That you belonged to a community (like a social group, your neighborhood, your city)

At du hørte til i et fællesskab (fx en gruppe eller dit nabolag)

− Social actualization

f) That our society is a good place, or is becoming a better place, for all people

At vores samfund er et godt sted, eller er ved at blive et bedre sted, for alle mennesker

− Social acceptance

g) That people are basically good

At mennesker generelt er gode

− Social coherence

h) That the way our society works makes sense to you

At den made vores samfund fungerer på giver mening for dig

Psychological well-being

− Self-acceptance

i) That you liked most parts of your personality

At du kunne lide de fleste sider at din personlighed

− Mastery

j) Good at managing the responsibilities of your daily life

At du var. god til at håndtere forpligtelserne i din hverdag

− Positive relations

k) That you had warm and trusting relationships with others

At du havde varme og tillidsfulde relationer til andre

− Personal growth

l) That you have experiences that challenge you to grow and become a better person

At du havde oplevelser, der udfordrede dig til at vokse som menneske

− Autonomy

m) Confident to think or express your own ideas and opinions

Dig sikker i at tænke eller udtrykke egne ideer eller holdninger

− Purpose in life

n) That your life has a sense of direction and meaning to it

At dit liv har en form for retning eller føles meningsfuldt

  1. aAnswers options were: “never (aldrig)”, “once or twice a month (én eller to gange om måneden)”, “about once a week (ca. én gang om ugen)”, “two or three times a week (ca. to eller tre gange om ugen)”, “almost every day (næsten hver dag)”, “every day (hver dag)”