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Table 1 Interview Guide

From: The role of physical activity in cancer survivors’ quality of life

1. What was your cancer diagnosis? The disease site and stage of cancer, and how long has it been since your diagnosis?

2. Please explain/describe/share the cancer treatment(s) that you received?

3. How long has it been since you completed your cancer treatment and been considered a survivor?

4. Could you describe your daily life prior to your cancer diagnosis?

- Dietary intake? Stress? PA?

5. How would you describe your social network, such as family support and relationship with friends?

- Was it similar during and after treatment? How were these relationships impacted by your cancer treatment?

6. Were you physically active prior to your cancer diagnosis?

- How often? How long? What activity did you do? Planned vs. unstructured?

7. In what way did your cancer treatment impact you? Physically, mentally, emotionally?

8. Were you physically active during your cancer treatments?

- If active, do you think it may have helped you physically, mentally, or emotionally cope with cancer treatment?

9. What was your daily life like after being diagnosed with cancer? Please explain. How was your daily life impacted by your cancer diagnosis?

- Routines, seeing family and friends, being physically active.

10. Have any of the physical, mental, or emotional feelings that you experienced while undergoing cancer treatment continue after your treatment was complete?

11. Are you aware of the Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines, or has anyone brought them your attention?

12. Did your health care provider recommend for you to be physically active during the course of your cancer treatment? After the completion of your treatment?

- What was their recommendation?

- Do you feel the topic of physical activity is something of interest or importance for your health care provider to speak to you about? Should health care providers talk about physical activity to individuals during cancer treatment?

13. Do you think physical activity could, in general, provide benefits to your overall daily life? If so, could you explain how? In what way might physical activity benefit your daily life?

- the physical and mental feelings that you may experience after being physically active. (Energy levels, mood, strength).

- the possible change in physical and mental feelings after being physically active (energy levels, mood, strength).