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Table 3 Predictors of hrqol at the beginning of cardiac rehabilitation in women and men – comprehensive models

From: How gender-specific are predictors of post-MI HRQoL? A longitudinal study





Symptoms β(p)

Discomfort β(p)

Symptoms β(p)

Discomfort β(p)



−.21 (.03)

−.08 (ns)

 Employment before MI

.02 (.ns)

−.18 (.02)

−.12 (.04)

 Not included: age, marital status, place of residence

ΔR2 = 0

ΔR2 = .22

p = .001

ΔR2 = .10

p = .001

ΔR2 = .04

p = .009

Clinical characteristics

 Angina before MI

.12 (ns)

 Angina at T1

.21 (.003)

.04 (ns)


.08 (.ns)

.15 (.01)

 Not included: type of MI, PTCA, complications, number of MI, betablockers, length of hospitalization, comorbidity, time gap between MI and rehabilitation, intensity of physical training

ΔR2 = 0

ΔR2 = 0

ΔR2 = .13

p < .001

ΔR2 = .10

p < .001

Personality factors


−.33 (.003)


.31 (.02)

.33 (.001)


.20 (ns)

.31 (.001)

.23 (.008)


−.19 (.003)

ΔR2 = 0

ΔR2 = .36

ΔR2 = .09

ΔR2 = .37


p < .01

p < .001

p < .001

Coping strategies

 Resignation at T1

.19 (.04)

−.01 (.ns)

 Religion at T1

.10 (.ns)

.09 (.ns)

 Substance use at T1

.06 (ns)

 Not included: reinterpretation, humor, social support, problem solving

ΔR2 = 0

ΔR2 = .03

p = .04

ΔR2 = .01

p = ns

ΔR2 = .01

p = ns


adjR2 = 0

adjR2 = .57

adjR2 = .30

adjR2 = .49

  1. If ‘-‘, the predictor was not included in the given analysis; not included, not entered into the comprehensive model
  2. ns not significant