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Table 1 Common health state utility elicitation methods

From: Utility value estimates in cardiovascular disease and the effect of changing elicitation methods: a systematic literature review

Type of methods

Common approaches or tools

Description of methods

Direct methods

• SG


These are interview-based and used to capture values that patients or the general public assign to a health state [13]. During the interviews, individuals (patients or members of the general public) identify their preferences for either their current health or scenarios (also called vignettes) that describe various health states by engaging in choice-based tasks [4].

Indirect methods

• HUI mark 2 and 3

• EQ-5D

• SF-6D

These questionnaires typically evaluate domains such as disability, mental health, and pain. Responses are converted to utilities by means of “tariffs” or “weights.” Published tariffs are used to weigh the scores of each domain based on the importance of that domain to that population or country. Tariffs are available as a result of separate and previous exercises in which various possible health states have been calibrated by means of a trade-off, SG, or well-known preference-based methods, such as EQ-5D, HUI mark 2, and SF-6D, from a sample of the general population [14]. The indirect measures differ in what dimensions their questionnaires include, how many response levels each question has, and the direct valuation method used to create the tariff.

  1. Abbreviations: EQ-5D EuroQol Five Dimensions Questionnaire, HUI Health Utilities Index, SG Standard gamble, SF-6D Short-Form Six Dimensions, TTO Time trade-off