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Table 3 Sleep quality among study patients: pre and post sedative-hypnotic treatment

From: Effects of sedative-hypnotics on sleep quality among patients with insomnia: evidence from an observational, pre-post study in India




Pre-post comparison

Mean difference (95%) CI

P-value (Bonferroni-adjusted)

Mean (SD) sleep duration, hours*

4.70 (1.18)

6.90 (1.03)

2.2 (2.0, 2.4)

< 0.001

Mean (SD) sleep latency, minutes*

22.50 (8.50)

7.90 (4.30)

14.6 (12.5, 16.7)

< 0.001

Mean (SD) Sleep efficiency score*

2.28 (0.60)

0.63 (0.63)

−1.7 (− 1.5, − 1.8)

< 0.001

Experience Day Dysfunction due to sleepiness

(Percentage, yes)

39.3% (n = 73)

24.2% (n = 45)


  1. *The mean score differences were compared using a linear mixed model, adjusting for age, gender and primary diagnosis for hospitalization. McNemar’s test was performed for pre-treatment and post-treatment comparison patients experiencing day dysfunction