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Table 1 Demographic characteristics of the sample

From: Demonstration of high value care to improve oral health of a remote Indigenous community in Australia


Intervention (N = 196)

Comparison (N = 212)

N (%)

N (%)



87 (44.8)

98 (46.7)


107 (55.3)

112 (53.3)

Age group

 < 6

39 (19.9)

42 (19.8)


128 (65.3)

139 (65.6)

 > 12

29 (14.8)

31 (14.6)

ICDAS groupb


18 (9.2)

8 (3.8)


162 (82.7)

190 (89.6)


141 (71.9)

168 (79.2)


 Primary school

148 (80.4)

171 (81.4)

 High school

36 (19.6)

39 (18.6)

  1. aTotals might not be equal to the actual number of participants due to missing values
  2. bThe column total and percentage does not equal the total number of participants, as some participants could have both ICDAS 1–2 and ICDAS 3–6 carious surfaces,