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Table 1 Description of ASCOT-Carer and Carer Experience Scale attributes

From: Measuring the outcomes of long-term care for unpaid carers: comparing the ASCOT-Carer, Carer Experience Scale and EQ-5D-3 L

ASCOT-Carer Attribute



Being able to do the things you value and enjoy, whether it be paid or unpaid work, caring for others, or leisure activities

 Control over daily life

Being able to choose what to do and when to do it; having control over daily activities


Feeling able to look after yourself as well as you want to: for example, eating well, getting enough sleep

 Personal safety

Feeling safe and secure, where concerns about safety may include fear of abuse, physical harm or accidents that arise as a result of caring

 Social participation and involvement

Being able to sustain the relationships with friends and family, and feeling involved or part of a community, as much as you want to

 Space and time to be yourself

Having the space and time you want away from the caring role and the responsibility of caregiving

 Feeling encouraged and supported

Feeling encouraged and supported by professionals, care workers and others, in your role as a carer

Carer Experience Scale Attribute


 Activities outside of caring

Being able to do a range of things you want outside of caring (e.g. socialising, physical activity and spending time on hobbies, leisure or study)

 Support from family and friends

Amount of personal help in caring and/or emotional support from family, friends, neighbours or work colleagues

 Assistance from organisations and government

Amount of help from public, private or voluntary groups in terms of benefits, respite and practical information

 Fulfilment from caring

Frequency of experiencing positive feelings from providing care, which may come from: making the person you care for happy, maintaining their dignity, being appreciated, fulfilling your responsibility, gaining new skills or contributing to the care of the person you look after

Control over caring

Being able to influence the overall care of the person you look after

Getting on with the person you care for

Frequency of being able to talk with the person you look after and discuss things without arguing