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Table 1 Quality criteria for rating the measurement properties in accordance with Terwee et al. 2007, and deviations from COSMIN criteria for methodological quality

From: A systematic literature review of patient-reported outcome measures used in gout: an evaluation of their content and measurement properties

Measurement propertya


Deviations from COSMIN checklist

Threshold for positive rating

Score reliability (single administration)

Classical test theory based estimate of overall proportion of true score variance, calculated from the interitem covariance matrix.

Following Sijtsma et al. 2009, the term “internal consistency” was replaced by single administration reliability. Single administration reliability coefficients were considered to provide information about score reliability.

Reliability coefficient ≥ 0.70.

Score reliability (test-retest)

Classical test theory based estimate of overall proportion of true score variance, obtained from the correlation between repeated measures with same instrument in stable patients.

None, but single administration and test-retest reliability categories were merged in the measurement properties appraisal.

ICC ≥ 0.70.

Construct Validity

The degree to which PRO scores are related to scores of other validated measures in a way that is consistent with theories about how the constructs the measures presume to assess, are related.


At least 75% of the results are in accordance with the hypotheses.

Floor and Ceiling effects

The number of respondents who achieved the lowest or highest possible score.


≤15% of the respondents achieved the highest or lowest possible score.


The extent to which a PROM can detect changes in the construct being measured over time.

Following the ISOQOL recommendations and Revicky et al. 2008, favorable rating for responsiveness required empirical evidence of changes in scores consistent with a priori expectations of researchers; Either evidenced by score improvement following intervention with known efficacy, or score changes in accordance with expectations derived from external anchors of change (e.g. patient-reported changed overall health status).

Standardized change scores of at least moderate magnitude (e.g., ES / SRM ≥ 0.30 in the expected direction if changes were expected).

  1. aFor all boxes the reporting standards on missing data were ignored when appraising methodological quality, because such information was rarely reported
  2. PROMs patient-reported outcome measures, COSMIN consensus-based standards for the selection of health measurement instruments, ISOQOL international society for quality of life research, ICC intraclass correlation, PRO patient-reported outcome, ES effect size, SRM standardized response mean