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Table 1 Search strategy

From: The quality of life when a partner has substance use problems: a scoping review

Substance use problems (context):

1 exp. Alcohol abuse/ (30694)

2 exp. Drug abuse/ (98077)

3 Substance abuse/ (48562)

4 Alcoholism/ (112452)

5 exp. Drug dependence/ (205497)

6 ((drug* or substance* or alcohol*) adj2 (misus* or abuse* or addict* or depend* or overuse or problem* or “use disorder*”)).tw. (158120)

7 ((opioid* or opiate* or opium or narcotic* or polydrug? Or heroin) adj2 (misus* or abuse* or addict* or depend* or overuse or problem*)).tw. (20773)

8 (alcoholi* or “excessive alcohol use” or “drinking problem?” or “heavy drinking” or “binge drinking”).mp. (180840)

9 ((beer or wine or liquor or spirits) adj (misus* or abuse* or addict* or depend*)).tw. (36)

10 or/1–9 (418874)

Partners (participants):

11 exp. Spouse/ (13557)

12 spous*.tw. (20290)

13 exp. Marriage/ (57950)

14 (marriage or “marital relations”).tw. (16392)

15 (couple or couples*).tw. (68126)

16 cohabit*.tw. (4618)

17 “next of kin”.tw. (1650)

18 (partner* or “other parent”).tw. (175877)

19 (wife* or wives* or husband* or widow*).tw. (28711)

20 “loved one*”.tw. (3646)

21 ((significant or concerned) adj other*).tw. (4377)

22 exp. Caregivers/ (58055)

23 (caregiver* or care-giver* or “care giver*” or carer*).tw. (79780)

24 (codependen* or co-dependen*).tw. (1120)

25 Family/ (88179)

26 famil*.ti. (230468)

27 exp. Parent/ (208855)

28 (parent* or mother* or father* or paternal or maternal).tw. (821969)

29 or/11–28 (1431510)

Well-being (concept):

30 exp. “Quality of Life”/ (384374)

31 (quality adj2 life).tw. (324553)

32 (wellbeing or well-being or “well being”).tw. (82479)

33 exp. Life satisfaction/ (7834)

34 (satisfact* adj2 life).tw. (9640)

35 (SEQOL or QOL or HRQL or WHOQOL* or EUROQOL*).tw. (62092)

36 30 or 31 or 32 or 33 or 34 or 35 (519733)

Combined search:

37 10 and 29 and 36 (1468)