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Table 1 Inclusion criteria

From: Systematic review of health state utility values in metastatic non-small cell lung cancer with a focus on previously treated patients


Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria


Adult patients (aged ≥16 years)

Locally advanced NSCLC or mNSCLC, second/subsequent line

Locally advanced or metastatic NSCLC, line unspecified

Population not of interest, e.g.

• in vitro data

• animal data

• mixed adult/child population or child population

• mixed disease populations without mNSCLC data reported separately

• not disease of interest

• 1 L mNSCLC data (treatment-naïve or maintenance first-line treatment) were excluded but taggeda


Not relevant for QoL SR selection. Intervention-specific utility data were noted as such during data extraction



For mNSCLC patients:

• individual (patient or caregiver) derived mean or median health state utilities from indirect generic HRQoL measure (EQ-5D (-3 L and -5 L), SF-6D, HUI2, HUI3, AQoL, QWB, 15D, MAUI) or direct valuation by TTO, SG or EQ-VAS

• SF-36 or SF-12

• general public valuations of vignettes using TTO or SG

For NSCLC or wider population:

• disutilities or decrements for AEsb or progressive disease

No outcome of interest:

• expert or healthcare provider (doctor, nurse) valuations of utilities

• utilities not relating to a specific health state

Study design

RCTs, non-RCTs, observational data

Study design not of interest:

• case reports, n = 1 before-and-after studies

• PK/PD study only

• (Non-systematic) reviews

• SRs/NMAsc

Date limits



Child citation

Citation linked to another paper but with unique data

Child citation or sub-study with no unique data, determined at first or second pass

Duplicate citation



Publication type


Publication type not of interest e.g. editorials, commentaries, letters, notes, press articles, unless relevant data has been published in a letter, for example, that does not appear elsewhere in the literature

Confidential reports where unable to use report, or Hayes Inc. reports requiring purchase


English or French

Any foreign language paper with an English abstract were included if sufficient information is present in the English abstract to ensure the eligibility criteria are met

Full text in language other than English or French with no English abstract or no abstract; or insufficient information in English language abstract of foreign language full paper to assess eligibility

  1. aTo enable listing in the report
  2. bDisutilities may be included for AEs, inconvenience of treatment or progressive health states from diseases outside NSCLC (preferably from lung cancer or from advanced/metastatic cancer) where no such data are available from patients with NSCLC
  3. cSRs were kept in until the second pass, where the full paper’s included studies were examined, after which the SR itself was excluded
  4. Abbreviations: 1 L first line, 3 L 3-level, 5 L 5-level, 15D 15-dimensional health-related quality of life measure, AE adverse event, AQoL Assessment of Quality of Life instrument, EQ-VAS EuroQoL visual analogue scale, HRQoL health-related quality of life, HUI2/3 Health Utilities Index Mark 2/3, MAUI multi-attribute utility instrument, mNSCLC metastatic non-small cell lung cancer, N/A not available, NMA network meta-analysis, NSCLC non-small cell lung cancer, PD pharmacodynamic, PK pharmacokinetic, QoL quality of life, QWB Quality of Well-Being scale, RCT randomized controlled trial, SF-6D 6-dimension Short-Form Health Survey, SF-12/36 12/36-item Short-Form Health Survey, SG standard gamble, SR systematic review, TTO time trade-off, VAS visual analogue scale